Appearances Podcast

Podcast: Polygamer Side Quest #2: Wonder Woman with Sabriel Mastin

Host Ken Gagne asked me to return to Polygamer to talk about what we thought about the film Wonder Woman that just came out.

Appearances Podcast

Podcast: Polygamer #62 – Sabriel Mastin of Overwatch & Overbuff

Ken Gagne asked me back on Polygamer to talk about myself and what I’ve been up to.

We talked about the game Overwatch, my job at Overbuff, the documentary Playing with Pride that I was interviewed for.

Appearances Podcast

Podcast: Polygamer Side Quest #1 – Star Trek Beyond

I joined Ken Gagne on the Polygamer podcast to talk about our thoughts on Star Trek Beyond that just came out in theaters.

Appearances Podcast

Podcast: Polygamer #21 – Sabriel Mastin, indie game reviewer & Let’s Player

Host Ken Gagne asked me to join him to talk about games writing and whether it’s fair to expect a volunteer to write for free; what equipment goes into an amateur audio/video studio; strategies for Twitter networking and hashtagging; the moral objections to attending Penny Arcade Expo; the local gaming scene in Fargo, North Dakota; and teaching yourself HTML and CSS.